This project has been completed. The content has been taken from the original project website.

Kasarogod solar park

Ambalathara, Kerala

Kerala State Electricity Board Limited (KSEBL) and the Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) have formed a Joint Venture company in 2016 called Renewable Power Corporation of Kerala Limited (RPCKL) with the view to develop solar parks in the State of Kerala. RPCKL has embarked in land identification and assessment in the northern district of Kasaragod in Kerala to develop a solar park. RPCKL has identified land to the extent of around 1,086.74 acres and the same is spread across several panchayats. 500 acres of land has been allocated to RPCKL for the development of a solar park. Asian Development Bank and the European Union have supported the development of the park includng the preparation of the Detailed Project Report.

Solar park Kasarogod solar park
Name of the SPPD Renewable Power Corporation of Kerala
Location Ambalathara, Kerala
Total capacity installed 50 MW
Date of operation Sep 14, 2017
Tariff(s) in INR 4.5 inr (IREDA)
Total being generated in MW 38
Total being generated in MWh 1.051e+4
Total being generated in MVAr -10
Total Generated in MW View graph
System Voltage Profile View graph
System Frequency View graph