As a part of the European Union (EU) – India Clean Energy and Climate Partnership project, a report on “Analysis of the relevance of deploying Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) in India” was launched on 19th May 2022 by the EU and BEE. This report is a strategic document which outlines the feasibility study conducted on smart technologies in building sector in India. It focuses on the present status and the potential of smart services for building sector across various technology domains and its possible impact on energy savings. It also discusses the EU strategy for adoption of SRI to assess the possible elements which are relevant to the Indian context and can be used as a reference for best practices by India.
Stakeholder consultation workshop on Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI)
A stakeholder consultation workshop was conducted on 05th May 2022 to understand the perspective of technology providers, building developers and consumers on the findings of the report and seek feedback on developing a roadmap for adoption of SRI in India. This workshop witnessed a participation of around 15 companies.
View Agenda
View VITO presentation on Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) and its developments in Europe
View PwC presentation on Availability of Smart Technologies in India